Random Updates
I mentioned there was some uncertainty on my integration into the parent company in my last post and I was unhappy.
Decided to speak to the pre-sales boss and request to be on his team instead.
I got my wish! Yippie...so I am going to be reporting to pre-sales afterall.
Over the past weeks, I got to know about an opening in another company through a headhunter.
For a position of service management that I would like to move on to.
Went for interview and had the hiring mgr tell me I lack the experience but she likes my positive and pleasant attitude. Hmmm...dun think that will work out though....*sigh*
Out of the blue also, I actually felt like buying a big bag.
I already have quite a few bigger bags at home but now I wish for a branded one.
Gosh...have I became more materialistic?
I really like this one though:

Will cost SGD1200....big investment for me. Guess I can just dream about it for now first.